Tuesday, January 6, 2009

hopes and dreams

to day in the mail i received an entry to the publisher clearing house thingy
with the chance to have a check for $5,000 delivered to my House every week.
and it is so easy to think , hope and dream of the possibilities of that kind of income.
My husband told me he would quite work. and we would do this and do that, and what ever. but i say even if we won the money i would not stop working. I think he should work for the next 6 years too. he is 6 years from retirement age. but i would like him to find a job that is not so hard on him as this one is. and he told me i would give him an allowance to gamble with. i do not think so. he thinks it will be a miracle if he lives 20 years and i should get the money in one lump sum. and i think that is stupid. I plan on us living for at least 40 more years and will need the money to survive.
any way it is OK to hope and dream but it is better to work to make the money to make your hopes and dreams come true...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

happy new year,
to day i am so mad at my husband. i asked him to use the atm to get money for out day out and today i see he took out the agreeded on amount but also took out more fromthe savings. i know the savings money is him and i should not be mad but i am hurt that he did this behind my back and i am broken.
this year we have had a hard time finding the best ways to live in this new to us city. we are living paycheck to pay check. and he is waisting $1100. a month. minuse the cost of life insurance. and in november and december he has taker the atm card out of my wallet with out my knowledge. his not helping my pay the bills and just being part of our family hurts me. it is not posable for my to make him do anything. and i want him to hep my make and stick to a budget. as it is i am responsable for our joint checkning account. but i am not trusted with our real money issues when i brouch the subject of money he tells me he contrbuted 2grand to out bills and is not giving more.
i wish he would just GET IT